Iranian missiles


The UN says the Saudi oil plant was hit by Iranian missiles

Sumbal Javaid 14 Jun 2020

The UN concluded that Iran produced missiles used in Saudi raids in 2019, but did not accuse Tehran of carrying out the attack.

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Iran is about to launch satellites

JessicaTurnage 02 Feb 2020

Iran will launch the Zafar satellite, which collects images for scientific research and forecasting natural disasters in the country.

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The strike caused the United States to defend against Iranian missiles

SerrinaRandolph 17 Jan 2020

The Iranian ballistic missile displayed accuracy in a raid on its base in Iraq on January 8, forcing the United States to strengthen its shield in the Middle East.

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Iran said it did not conceal evidence of the plane crash

SamMckay 13 Jan 2020

Iran dismissed after it was said that its officials concealed or forged evidence related to the Ukrainian plane crash.

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Iran modeled an American aircraft carrier

GauravAghi 11 Jan 2020

Iran is perfecting a full-scale US aircraft carrier model, which appears to be a target for an offensive exercise.

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