
Wobbly trust in Iran between Covid-19

KDWilson 04 Mar 2020

Iranian leaders once said Covid-19 would not affect their country, but the country is now the world's fourth largest outbreak.

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The gap caused Covid-19 to spread in the United States

KenroyWalters 03 Mar 2020

nCoV has "taken advantage" of the gap in the US public health shield to silently spread, which is a test-related issue.

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Pence 'bet' in the fight against nCoV

Against nCoV successfully, Vice President Mike Pence's political career will flourish, but failure will put him at a dead end.

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The blockade angered many Italians

SanamShaikh 29 Feb 2020

Inside Zorlesco, the town of Italy quarantined by the Covid-19 epidemic, Tina Pomati languished waiting for her daughter to put things into the "red zone" she was trapped in.

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South Korean President faces challenge from nCoV

President Moon Jae-in on February 13 predicted the Covid-19 epidemic would "soon disappear", but he probably did not expect the virus to be quietly spreading in a cult.

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The Malaysian Prime Minister resigned - a tactic to 'shed' the old contract

KeyTiffanyCarter 27 Feb 2020

Mahathir Mohamad resigned earlier this week, but he opened a new power "war" with former ally Anwar Ibrahim.

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China - Japan warm amid the 'cold' nCoV

BillyRayburn 27 Feb 2020

Relations between China and Japan are gradually thawing and becoming warmer as the two countries fight against "common enemy nCoV".

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Corona virus makes global 'sick'

StacyLynnFarley 26 Feb 2020

The tourist area is empty, the economic outlook is gloomy, the authorities are critical, the corona virus has disturbed the world.

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The world is divided between Covid-19

AmyJenkins 25 Feb 2020

Although nCoV has surpassed Asia, spread rapidly in the Middle East or Italy, countries still have mutual distrust and lack of cooperation to fight the epidemic.

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The Iranian 'outbreak' threatens the Middle East

EvaristoRios 25 Feb 2020

Iran is seen as a global threat as a series of new nCoV infections appear in neighboring countries, even to Canada.

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