

Italy became the second largest outbreak in the world

AaliaBhat 09 Mar 2020

Italy replaced South Korea, becoming the second largest outbreak in the world, with nearly 7,400 cases and 366 deaths. Covid-19 appears in 104 countries and territories, leaving nearly 110,000 infected.

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Nearly 110,000 people are infected with nCoV in the world

Covid-19 appeared in 104 countries and territories, causing 109,840 people to be infected with nCoV, of which 3,805 were fatal.

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More than 106,000 people are infected with nCoV in the world

JonLavigne 08 Mar 2020

Covid-19 appeared in 102 countries and territories, causing 106,011 people to be infected with nCoV, of which 3,570 were fatal.

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