

Delta strains cause Wuhan cluster

Linda Brown 04 Aug 2021

Wuhan officials said the new cluster in the city related to the Delta strain, the rapid transmission of NCOV is increasing the global infection.

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How Wuhan is on the most strict blockade command in the world

Throughly blockade when Covid-19 outbreaks in China earlier last year, Wuhan was able to declare the virus and revive strongly.

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Efforts to trace the first Covid-19 shift of the world

CA COVID-19 was first defined in China as an accountant in Wuhan pouring into 8/12/2019, but traceats did not stop there.

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NCOV hypothesis from the laboratory brings Trump back

Marissa Simons 29 Jun 2021

The word was vehemently rejected, the NCOV hypothesis from Trump's laboratory was increasingly concerned and became his political weapon.

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NCOV gene data in Wuhan is deleted to suspect

Hurraam Khan 24 Jun 2021

A year ago, more than 200 virus gene sequences initially in Wuhan suddenly were required to delete from the online science database.

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French expert Uncle NCOV hypothesis from the laboratory

Wuhan virus lab responds to all safety standards, unable to leak NCOV out, according to the French virus Fabriel Gras.

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