ca covid19


Case of a record increase, pushing Brazil into Covid-19 Tuesday

Brazil recorded a record of more than 115,000 new cases, the highest level from the translation, when the Ministry of Health confirmed the appearance of the third Covid-19 wave.

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Putin warns Covid-19 in Russia getting worse

Umair Abbasi 21 Jun 2021

Putin warns Covid-19 in some areas of Russia getting worse, when officials started promoting regular re-vaccination ideas.

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WHO: NCOV spreads faster than vaccine distribution speed

WHO said NCOV is spreading faster than the global displacement of vaccines, mainly due to new strains like Alpha and Delta.

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WHO: Cannot force China to reveal more origin of Covid-19

WHO said that China could not be forced to disclose more Covid-19 origin data, and will propose research to understand the problem at the next level.

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Demonstration for thousand Coven-19 victims in the graveyard

Keri Hegge 17 Apr 2021

Italy Funeral houses in Rome protested against the city government when thousands of coven-19 victims piled in the graveyard.

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