presidential election 2020


China fears post-election chaos

Imane Ait El 02 Nov 2020

Beijing is on high alert as a race to the White House enters its final days.

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Melania canceled her plan to attend the campaign

Amanda Hudson 20 Oct 2020

First Lady Melania canceled her plan to attend President Trump's campaign in Pennsylvania due to Covid-19 symptoms.

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The elephant and donkey process became a two-party symbol in America

Jessica Blakeney 01 Oct 2020

The story of elephants and donkeys that became symbols of the Republicans and Democrats began 192 years ago, during the campaign of Andrew Jackson.

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Trump and Biden will not shake hands before arguing

Lori Dunn 27 Sep 2020

Trump and Biden will not shake hands in next week's first debate in Ohio due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Trump said 'won't meet anyone' if he loses to Biden

Trump told supporters in North Carolina he would "never see" them again if he failed the November election.

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Trump charges $ 100 million out of pocket to run for re-election

MA RB HY 08 Sep 2020

The US president has discussed spending $ 100 million out of pocket on the re-election campaign if necessary, according to sources familiar with the matter.

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