
Lawyer specializes in helping billionaires divorce

Heather Ellis 10 Jun 2021

In the first time I met the billionaire spouses, Robert Stephan Cohen always asked them about pillow blankets, how to make money and the cause of rift emotions.

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Let me go to the clock to understand the value of learning

Heather Ellis 16 Apr 2021

China Father in Hangzhou for boys doing 4 days to understand the importance of going to school, causing a stir of social networks.

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Outrage was heightened again because American police killed people of color

Heather Ellis 25 Dec 2020

Columbus, Ohio police, shooting and killing an unarmed black man has sparked a new wave of anti-racist protests in America.

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Hillary Clinton has the highest support for the Democratic Party

HeatherEllis 10 Dec 2019

Cliton is the most favored Democratic party member in the new online poll, despite not running for the 2020 presidential election.

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