US aircraft carrier


American carrier crew members committed suicide while standing guard

Ahmar Khan 16 Oct 2020

An aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt committed suicide while on a security mission on the pier at North Island base, California.

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The battleship laid the foundation for the U.S. navy to reach out globally

The USS Langley is the first US Navy aircraft carrier, helping the force draw lessons in its global operations and deployment.

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Former US aircraft carrier captain infected with nCoV

YouSeongLew 06 Apr 2020

Colonel Brett Crozier, who lost his position because he urged the navy to evacuate USS Theodore Roosevelt, was determined to be positive for nCoV.

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Russian experts draw the script of the US-China aircraft carrier confronting

HarshaMehrotra 13 Feb 2020

The US aircraft carrier can prevail against Chinese warships thanks to long-range reconnaissance capabilities if a conflict breaks out, according to Russian expert Konstantin Sivkov.

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The reason carrier is hard to be obsolete

PhoTartee 28 Nov 2019

Aircraft carriers are expensive and vulnerable, but are still favored by naval powers to show military power.

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