
One of the three key ministers he resigned

Foziya Khan 19 Oct 2022

British Interior Minister Bravman announced its resignation in the context of Prime Minister Liz Truss' government facing chaotic.

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USA lifted the warning with him to the highest level

Foziya Khan 19 Jul 2021

American officials raised the warning to travel to 4, it is recommended that citizens do not come to him due to concerns of Covid-19 after the country is open.

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Admits killing 9 people after luring through social networks

Foziya Khan 02 Oct 2020

Japan A 29-year-old man confessed to killing 9 people after luring them to commit suicide through social media.

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Chinese prisoners of war break through prison

Foziya Khan 22 Sep 2020

IndonesiaCai Changpan, 37, a Chinese death row inmate awaiting his sentence, escaped a prison on the outskirts of Jakarta by digging a tunnel through a sewage sewer.

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Vietnamese girls stuck in the Philippines looking forward to returning home to cure heart disease

Foziya Khan 02 Aug 2020

Nguyen Ha Trang, from Manila, Philippines, did not register to Vietnam to avoid Covid-19 despite being stuck from mid-March, until he received a certificate of an open heart valve.

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Beijing removed travel restrictions

Foziya Khan 03 Jul 2020

The Beijing government says it has prevented a new outbreak and will lift restrictions on travel to most residential areas from tonight.

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China 'half-hearted investigation' of nCoV origin

Foziya Khan 14 May 2020

China initially seemed to want to quickly identify the origin of the nCoV, but later did not share information and cooperate with international investigations.

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The Chinese city banned the sale of drugs

FoziyaKhan 09 Feb 2020

Hangzhou, China temporarily banned the sale of flu and cough medicines to force people to see doctors in an effort to detect the corona virus.

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The United States does not give fighter engines to Australia

FoziyaKhan 01 Dec 2019

Boeing Group refused to compensate Australia for the EA-18G fighter engine explosion and was completely damaged in early 2018.

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Morales - Bolivia's longest serving president

FoziyaKhan 11 Nov 2019

Evo Morales sought to continue to power after 14 years as President of Bolivia, but eventually resigned when protests broke out.

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