
Russia announced Ukraine's counterattack in Kherson

Ammar Raza 05 Oct 2022

Russian officials appointed announcements of the Ukrainian army's counterattacks and the battle line in Kherson province has not changed.

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Vietnamese battleship won Russia, Trung content armor shooting army games

Ammar Raza 25 Aug 2021

Further guards 016 Quang Trung beat the Russian battleship, China to win the lead in the content of AK-176 cannon shooting at the sea Cup competition.

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The VIP room where Trump treats Covid-19

Ammar Raza 03 Oct 2020

Trump's private room at Walter Reed Hospital features an intensive care unit, a private kitchen and meeting room, ensuring he can work and rest comfortably.

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Pentagon officials say US - China 'marathon'

Ammar Raza 10 Jul 2020

Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense Helvey said the US needs a long-term strategy to compete with China in the "marathon" on the international arena.

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Wuhan quarantined all people suspected of corona virus infection

AmmarRaza 03 Feb 2020

China People suspected of being infected with new strains of corona virus or being exposed to the sick are referred to Wuhan isolation centers, whether they like it or not.

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Fascinating female assassins

AmmarRaza 21 Jan 2020

Netherlands: When he spotted a Nazi soldier torturing a newborn baby, Truus Oversteegen silently held up his gun and shot him dead.

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China is 'thirsty' for coal

AmmarRaza 29 Dec 2019

The increase in coal demand has left China "short of breath" in its efforts to restrict the fuel, leading to accidents and environmental impacts.

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Russian aircraft slipped off the runway

AmmarRaza 27 Dec 2019

A plane carrying 79 passengers slipped off the runway at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow this morning, but caused no damage.

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Rape victims burned alive on their way to court

AmmarRaza 05 Dec 2019

A 23-year-old rape survivor is in critical condition after being burned alive by a gang of thugs on his way to a trial.

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China lacks a "weapon" in response to the US Hong Kong Act

AmmarRaza 01 Dec 2019

Although Beijing has declared it is ready to take fierce retaliation against Washington, it is said that it will not dare to "take risks" because trade negotiations have not yet ended.

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