Media billionaire Michael Bloomberg poured $ 100 million into an online advertising campaign against President Trump.

Bloomberg spokesman Jason Schechter said the campaign will start running today, targeting voters in four states: Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


Billionaire Michael Bloomberg spoke at an event in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA in February Photo: AP.

An image of Trump's Twitter account with the text "A tweet should not threaten the security of our country", given as an example will appear in the advertising campaign. Billionaire Bloomberg did not participate in this campaign.

Michael Bloomberg, 77, a media billionaire and former mayor of New York City, applied to participate in the preliminary round of voting for the Democratic presidential candidate in Alabama at the end of November 8. .

However, Bloomberg has not yet made an official decision on whether to join the race to the White House in 2020 or not. President Trump mocked the former mayor of New York and predicted he would soon fail in the campaign.

With an estimated fortune of US $ 53.4 billion, Bloomberg is ranked 8th in the US by Forbes magazine and 17th in the world. If elected, Bloomberg will be a formidable rival of Trump when he owns more assets than the President of the United States and other famous media tycoons combined.