Democratic presidential candidate Bloomberg said he now supports the impeachment of Trump, despite his opposition to this.

"I think it is very serious. I had previously objected to impeaching Trump, but after seeing all the evidence, I thought it should be so. Very sad but the answer is yes," billionaire Michael Bloomberg responded to an interview with CBS on December 5, after being asked "Should Trump be investigated for impeachment?".


Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg spoke in Virginia, USA, on November 25 Photo: Reuters.

In September, Bloomberg expressed disagree with the impeachment investigation of Trump in the US House of Representatives, saying that the 2020 presidential election would be a "more appropriate arena" to remove the White House boss.

"I always think that a process of impeachment not through the Senate, even through the House, will turn into a partisan faction. We are about to have an election. The public has the right to decide whether the President has should continue to power or not, "media billionaire then shared.

In an interview yesterday, when asked what was bothering him most, Bloomberg said that Trump "seemed to not understand that he was an elected official to work for the community, not himself."

The media billionaire seems to mention the alleged White House boss pressuring Ukraine, demanding that Kiev investigate the father and son of former Vice President Joe Biden, a formidable opponent in the presidential election next year.

Michael Bloomberg, 77, announced on November 24 to run for US presidential election in 2020 as a Democratic candidate. Bloomberg spent at least $ 37 million in advertising on his campaign on television within the first two weeks and announced a $ 100 million advertising campaign against Trump.

Howard Wolfson, a close adviser to Bloomberg, said the billionaire saw President Trump as "an unprecedented threat to the United States". However, Trump said that Bloomberg would "soon fail" if running for him and mocked him as "little Michael" because he was 17 centimeters taller than the former mayor of New York.