Oksana Voevodina, the former wife of the former king of Malaysia, had to leave Moscow with her 6-month-old son Leon after receiving a life-threatening threat.

"I have left Moscow and are in a safer place, of course I have no intention of revealing this location. I hope law enforcement and government agencies will support and protect us," she said. Oksana Voevodina said in an interview with Russian television today.


Miss Voevodina and her son Photo: Instagram/Rihanapetra

The incident began in late October when a woman texted Voevodina's father, announcing that the 6-month-old Leon of the Russian beauty was in immediate danger and offered to meet her. Voevodina didn't come to the meeting and asked a friend to come in instead.

"Oksana has many secret enemies, she needs to withdraw the lawsuit from the court, stop appearing in the media and cut all expenses. There are a lot of people who pay attention to the child, he is young and unprotected. The situation is increasingly tense, "the woman said at a meeting of Russian beauty.

The warning led Voevodina to decide to alert the police and leave his residence in Moscow. Authorities are opening a preliminary investigation into the threat to the Russian family, but did not give details.

Miss Voevodina secretly married the former Malaysian king Muhammad V, 50, in the middle of last year. Muhammad V abruptly abdicated in January, becoming the first Malaysian monarch to leave the throne voluntarily since 1957. However, a private lawyer in June said the former king unilaterally divorced the Russian beauty. Irreversible etiquette in Islam.

Oksana claimed Leon was of royal blood and suggested DNA testing to prove it. She said she was pregnant after a vacation in Australia in June 2018 and Leon "looked exactly like Muhammad V". Oksana claims to be conducting legal proceedings in Moscow to force Muhammad V to adopt the child.