52 F-35A fighters could increase CO2 emissions by more than twice, disrupting Norway's environmental protection plan, the country's media said.
"US-made F-35A fighters will significantly increase CO2 emissions by 2030, undermining emissions reduction plans by 60% compared to 2005," Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen said in a report today. 10/17.

Norway's first F-35A fighter jet flew in 2017 Photo: Lockheed Martin
F-35A fighters have a maximum takeoff volume (MTOW) of nearly 32 tons, while F-16s in the Norwegian air force currently have MTOW of about 19 tons. The F-35A super fighter is also equipped with a much more powerful engine and consumes about 5,600 liters of oil per hour of flight, compared to 3,500 liters / hour of F-16 engine.
"When the entire fleet of 52 F-35A is in service in the next 10 years, the Norwegian Air Force's CO2 emissions will more than double, accounting for 56% of the Na military's total environmental emissions. Uy in 2030. This makes it more difficult to pursue the goal of environmental protection, "commented Tor Sandberg of Dagsavisen.
Lars Gjemble, media advisor at the Norwegian Ministry of Defense, acknowledges that environmental and climate issues are among the toughest challenges for the country's armed forces. However, many Norwegian politicians think that defense capacity should be given priority over environmental protection.
"They should make constructive proposals on ways to reduce emissions without compromising their defense strength, unless they want to eliminate armed forces altogether," Per-Willy Amundsen said. member of the right-wing Progressive party, said.
The Norwegian Air Force ordered 52 F-35A stealth fighters worth nearly US $ 10 billion from the US. This is Oslo's largest military expenditure in years. The country has taken delivery of seven aircraft, but they will have to stay in a tents until 2020 because there is no specialized brothel.
The F-35A squadron is often the focus of environmental debate in Norway. The first F-35As could cost as much as $ 170 million a year due to unprotected urea chemicals in the winter. The Norwegian Air Force must use the defrost Aviform L50, which can cause corrosion and rust on F-35 fighters, to avoid damaging the surroundings.