The majority of Latin American voters support Biden, but a lack of attention to them could cost him a vital advantage in defeating Trump.

The focus group of voters in most of the US presidential campaign is the white suburbs.


Supporters of US President Donald Trump at his campaign event in Swanton, Ohio, on September 21 Photo: Reuters

However, attention has recently turned to another group of voters, believed to also play a very important role in determining the candidate to be elected as Latin American.

Four of the key battle states, including Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas, have significant Latin American populations.

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Trump and Biden's campaign stops recently have been aimed at Latin American voters.

Latin American people are often thought to be quite homogenous, but this group of people in America exists quite differently.

"Biden is concerned that he hasn't done much enough to attract young leaders or voters in the Latin American community, who might push voters to the number needed to secure victory.

Many young Latin Americans appear to feel that no candidate represents them and may decide not to vote.

"The power of Latin American voters is evident in states like Florida and Arizona. If the percentage of Latin American voters in those states in 2016 was higher, Trump probably would not have become president.

The differing views among Latin American voters could also carry risks for Biden.

According to Washington Post commentator Henry Olsen, the Biden team is sure to work harder to attract the votes of the Latin American community.

"The challenge with Biden in Florida, where Trump is supposed to win, is more difficult due to the complexity of the Latin American community. Trump is very popular with conservative Cubans.

Geraldo Cadava, commentator for the Boston Globe newspaper, said that regardless of the reason Trump persuaded Latin Americans, or Biden didn't attract them, Trump could still get 1 / 4-1 / 3 votes.

However, Biden is said to still have a chance, even without taking advantage of the inherent advantages of the group of Latin American voters.