With a true foot and a third foot to kick the ball, Frank Lentini was once advertised as the "only three-legged player" while touring around the United States.

Lentini was born in May 1889 in Sicily, Italy, the fifth of 12 children. Lentini has three legs, 4 feet, 16 fingers and two genitals. The third leg grows from the right hip and the fourth foot protrudes from the knee.


Frank Lentini as a child Photo: Edena

The condition of Lentini is due to the phenomenon of twin parasites, the second embryo develops in the womb but ultimately cannot be separated from the twins, causing one baby's parts to attach to the other. Lentini's third leg is a few cm shorter than the other two feet and the two main legs are not equal. He often complained that despite having three legs, he did not have a proper pair of legs.

At 4 months of age, Lentini was taken to a specialist to consider amputating the excess leg, but the risk of paralysis or even death made the doctor unable to perform the procedure. Some people make fun of Lentini as a "little monster" so the Lentini family often sends their children to live with an aunt to avoid vulgar comments.

In 1898, at the age of 9, Lentini went on a long and arduous journey to Boston, USA with his father to meet Mr. Guiseppe Magnano to apply for variety shows. Just a year later, Frank Lentini was one of the world's leading performers of the world famous Ringling Brothers Circus.

Lentini is billed as "the three-legged Sicily", "the world's only three-legged footballer," the greatest medical miracle of all time "or sometimes simply" the great Lentini ". perform performances such as kicking the ball with a third leg, skating, skating and cycling.

In addition to being good at sports, Lentini is quick-witted and funny. When asked if he had difficulty buying shoes, Lentini answered that he bought two pairs and gave the other to a friend with one leg. He often joked that he was the only one who didn't need a chair because he could always lean on the third leg like a stool.


Frank Lentini as an adult Photo: Geni

While touring around the US, Lentini learned English, accumulated great fame and fortune. He naturalized in the US at the age of 30. He has worked with a lot of circuses and variety shows for over 40 years. Colleagues respect Lentini and often call him the "King".

Despite her unusual appearance, Lentini used his charm to flirt with actress Theresa Murray. The couple married in 1907 and had 4 children.

Lentini and Theresa divorced in 1935. Lentini then lived with his girlfriend Helen Shupe until he died of lung failure at the age of 77 in 1966 at the Tenneesee.

Lentini considered his strange body an advantage, not an obstacle. That is one of the reasons he achieved success and happiness in America. "I never complained," Lentini said in his later years. "I find life so beautiful and I always enjoy it."

See also: Tragedy of the girl 'half human, half animal'