Hancock Secretary of Hancock was accused of adultery and violating the Code of Translations when revealing Coladangelo assistant photos in the office.

British media on June 25 posted the image of the security camera in the Security Camera British Medical Minister Matt Hancock, showed that he was hugging Gina Coladangelo's own assistant.


Photo: Sun.

The incident was thought to occur on May 6, when he applied a blockade of Covid-19 to prevent people from avoiding contact, holding a distance of two meters.

The leader of the opposition Party Anneliese Dodds called for Prime Minister Boris Johnson immediately fired the Minister Hancock, while many MPs called him a fake moral and must be fired if he refused to resign.

Matt Hancock Health Minister Matt Highti Hugging Gina Coladangelo's own assistant in private office in May. Photo: Sun.

When the Communications filled with the image of Minister Hancock hugging the Private Assistant Coladangelo, a friend of his friend shared: Minister did not comment on personal issues.

However, British medical minister later apologized for violating the Department of Translation and said he would not resign.

I admit I have violated the way of social ways to stretch in this case.

Minister Mr. Hancock, 42, married and has three children.