Taiwan spent Chinese white books that announced the policy with the island, while Beijing called Taiwan's reaction a smear.

In recent days, China has continuously staged provocative actions, including drills, cyber attacks and false information to try to coercive Taiwan, even publish the White Book about policies to Taiwan.


Photo: Reuters

Ms. Ou said Taiwan protested and condemned the content of the White Book, emphasizing that the two Taiwan straits did not belong to each other.

The comments came after China's office of Taiwan issues on August 10 issued a White Book, set the goal of unifying peace, but did not give up the option to use force.

The last time China issued the White Book on Taiwan was in 2000. In the White Books in 1993 and 2000, China stated that it would not bring the army or administrative staff to Taiwan after reaching agreement.

According to Ou, China has never controlled Taiwan and the island's sovereignty belongs to 23.5 million Taiwanese, who will not accept agreement based on the proposal of 'a nation, two regimes'

Taiwanese defense forces operating the CM11 tanks in the exercise at the venue were not revealed on August 8.

The Council of Taiwan's mainland issues, the island's strait policy makers, said that the white book was full of dreams and disregard the truth.

Ma Hieu Quang, a Chinese spokesman for Taiwanese issues, said that the criticism of the ruling people in Taiwan for the White Book was an offensive attack.

The island has not been agreed, but China's sovereignty and territory has never been divided and will never be divided.

The slander from the people of the People's Party once again exposed their political nature to stubbornly claim independence, Chinese officials added.

China considers Taiwan to be a consistent and ready to use force if needed.

The tension escalated from the week before the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan despite the warnings from China, becoming the highest US official to the island for decades.

China simultaneously practiced around Taiwan after Pelosi's visit to show their position to the US, as well as holding images after tough statements, according to experts.

Launching missiles across Taiwan into Japan, Beijing seemed to show a message to Tokyo and Washington in tensions in the strait.