Between the number of NCOV infections skyrocketed, Indonesian officials discovered Delta's transformation from India dominates in many regions, including Jakarta.

Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO), on June 18 said the Delta transformation, or also the name B.1.617.2, is gradually becoming a global outstanding generation due to the ability to spread


Photo: AP

In Indonesia, transforming Delta is invading three areas, Jakarta, Kudus, a central tobacco production center in Central Java, and Bangkalan, just off the Java coast.

The number of NCOV infections increased suddenly in these places to raise a new wave of infection that would sweep through Indonesia, when the country witnessed some similar developments in India, where the Delta transformation

However, the ability to monitor the spread of strains in Indonesia is quite limited, so it is difficult to assess how widely infecting the Delta is in the island of 270 million people.

A man was vaccinated with Covid-19 in Bekasi, Suburbs Jakarta, Indonesia, on June 17.

Indonesia can most likely become the next country to suffer Covid-19, Dicky Budiman, Indonesian epidemiologist at Griffith University in Australia, said, indicating the speed of slow vaccination, level

Less than 5% of Indonesia's population was full of Covid-19 vaccination, mainly using vaccines developed by China Sinovac company.

The Ministry of Health Indonesia explained that the current outbreak is mainly derived from commuting and partying activities on the EID holiday of Muslims last month.

The pandemic context a month ago in Indonesia is quite different from today.

NCOV cases in Kudus began to skyrocket at the end of May, with a total of new cases weekly from a very low level of up to 35 times.

As of the second week of this month, the number of people died on average daily because Covid-19 in Kudus was 20 people, according to government data.

The entire medical staff are stressful and extreme exhaustion, Dr. Ahmad Syaifuddin, who is in charge of Kudus area of the Indonesian Health Association, said.

In the whole country, Indonesia recorded an average of 10,000 new NCOV cases every day in the past week, doubling 5,000 in early May, although the actual number of cases was said to be many times higher.

The concerns of doctors not only stops at an increase in infections.

The first difference is that age issues are no longer important.

In the first two weeks of this month, about 2,750 people died of Covid-19 in Indonesia, compared with 2,200 shifts in the first two weeks of May. In Bangkalan, where the Delta spreads, hospital treatment

Some patients are being transferred to Surabaya, larger city nearby.

The higher the burden when the virus spreads in the medical staff.

Data show that they are infected with the Delta transformation, so it is not surprising that the infection rate is higher than before.