Princess Amalia, the Dutch throne heir, does not want to receive nearly 2 million USD a year after graduating from high school.

Amalia, the children of King Willem-Alexander have just graduated from high school on June 10, wrote a hand letter to Prime Minister Mark Rutter, expressing their aspirations without receiving the State's benefits until they start performing obligations


Photo: AP

On December 7, 2021, I will be 18 years old and under the law, will receive benefits, Amalia writes.

Dutch Princess Amalia.

Amalia said she was going to rest a year, then started college.

Nos Television Nos said Amalia's decision marks the first time a Royal member refuses to subsidize activities and duty-free salary.

The Netherlands last year agreed to spend 47.5 million euros (57.5 million USD) for the Royal Budget in 2021, excluding costs for state-level visitors or maintenance.

His wife, Queen Maxima received 1.1 million euros (1.33 million USD), while the Thai Beatrix received 1.7 million euros (2 million USD), while the budget was allocated to the Amelia Princess to be 1,