Dr. Sohil Makwana posted a sweaty brother's photo after working hours to fight Covid-19, with the message to call people to vaccine.

"It's proud to serve the Fatherland," Makwana, who works at Gmers Health Hospital in Dharpur, written on Twitter on April 28.


Photo: Twitter/DrSohil.

Dr. Sohil Makwana wet sweat after work.

Makwana posted two images, a picture showed that he was wearing protective clothes in the other, his brother wet sweat after undressing protection.

"Our country owes doctors a lot. I can't express our full gratitude, I pray you are always healthy and strong. You are transmitting inspiration. The country owe you

On April 30, Makwana continued to post a photo of his parents with annotations "I just gave my parents to inject the second vaccine. I protected my parents? And you did you? Let's go. Together

India is the second largest translation area in the world with nearly 20 million cases and over 215,000 deaths.

From May 1, India deployed immunizations to all adults, ie 600 million qualified vaccination.