Command the task force of the revolutionary guards Iran declared support the Hamas movement against Israel's "crimes" in Jerusalam and Gaza.

"Iran is always close to Palestine and condemning Israel for actions against international laws and conventions," said General Ismail Qaani, QUDS Special Commander of the Iranian Islamic Guard (IRGC),


Photo: AFP

In other telephone exchange with Ziyad Al-Nakhlah, General Secretary of the Hamas movement, General Qaani insisted Tehran supported "Palestinian rights confronted with aggression and crime of enemies according to restoration enemies

Palestinians brought a baby's body from the rimch in the Rimal residential area in Gaza on May 16, after Israeli's air strike.

The QUDs task is an IRGC overseas unit.

Iran did not recognize the Israeli state, always supporting Palestine after the 1979 revolution. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, this month has criticized Israel "not a country, but a terrible base

Iran has long been considered a major donor for the Hamas movement.

Stress escalates between Israel and Palestine after Iran limited to approaching Jerusalem city area in Ramadan, threatening to deport some Palestinian families living for many years in East Jerusalem, to get places for settled Jews

News about the exchanging order on promoting Palestinians protesting protesters and clashes with Israeli riot police for many days outside the Blasp Al-Aqsa in eastern Jerusalem, the sacred place of Muslims,

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The Hamas movement then launched Rocket from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, causing the air force to repeat.

Palestinian armed groups have launched at least 2,300 rockets on Israel, killing 10 people, including a child and a soldier, while injuring more than 560 Israeli people.