Faroe Islands acknowledged hunting and killing more than 1,400 dolphins was a big mistake after the vehement opposition to the network.

When dolphins were found, they estimate only about 200 children, Olavur Sjurdarberg, Chairman of the Faroe Islands Dolphin Association, explained in the interview at the beginning of the week.


Photo: AP

Sjurdarberg says to start killing, the hunters know the true scale of dolphins.

Atlantic white pigs are killed on the Faroe Islands on September 12.

On September 12, 1,428 Atlantic white pigs were killed at Skalabotnur beach of the Faroe Islands, the Danish territory is located between Iceland and Norway.

This is the largest dolphin hunt in one day once taking place in the Faroe Islands with 500 participants, local media reported.

Such hunting is customary in the area from hundreds of years ago, held at the community level, non-commercial and usually spontaneously every time someone discovered a dolphin.

However, the massacre of more than 1,400 dolphins still raised a local and international wave after Sea Sheperd Global reported.