Nagoya mayor, who was criticized for biting the Olympic gold medal of a athlete last month, positive for NCOV.

Nagoya City government, Aichi Prefecture, said Mayor Takashi Kawamura did PCR testing after his secretary was infected with NCOV on August 29.


Photo: Kyodo

Mayor Takashi Kawamura bites the Olympic gold medal of the Miu Goto softball player at Nagoya City Hall on August 4.

The 72-year-old mayor does not have any million, he is resting at home and handing over work to others.

NCOV is unprecedented, but we will all ensure that the city's executive work is not interrupted, he said.

Nagoya mayor caused public opinion because of the Olympic gold medal of Miu Goto softball player when she visited the town hall on August 4.

Aichi Province recorded 1,876 Coven-19 CAVE on September 1, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 85,585.