The United States of South Carolina's supreme court decided to postpone the execution of every death sentence until the process of improving the shot method.

The South Carolina Corforming Agency on June 16 said it has received a request from the State Supreme Court on stopping the death penalty until the policies and procedures for shooting methods are passed.


Photo: AP

We direct no execution of death sentences until the state government informed the court that the correctional agency, in addition to preparing execution method with electric seats, has developed and provided appropriate policies on the method

A death room at Nevada state prison, USA.

The judgment was given after the lawyer of Brad Keith Sigmon, the death row was planned to execute sentences on June 11, complaints to the Supreme Court of South Carolina, asking for postponement of judgment for this state

South Carolina's laws before the death row inmates will be postponed execution indefinitely without drugs for poisoning.

A law was signed by the Governor Henry McMaster in May, which had sealed this vulnerability, the row of death row inmates had to choose between electric seats or shot.

South Carolina is the fourth state in the US that allows execution of death penalty by shooting method, along with the states of Oklahoma, Mississippi and Utah.

The director of the South Carolina Correctional Agency has previously said that since June 3, the only execution method in the state is to sit electric seats, due to unavoused poison injection methods because of the control of the agency