The Soviet Union believed that it was possible to crush NATO and avoid a total nuclear war with the seven-day plan to the Rhine River.

The Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were always in mind that prepared to be ready for conflicts.


Photo: Sputnik

Moskva believes that NATO will launch an attack on the Soviet Union first.

Soviet tanks in a landing exercise.

However, this will immediately activate the Warsaw Treaty.

The Soviet Union also wants to split between Western allies by not attacking the nucleus to enter the US, France and England.

The Soviet Union understood that American, French leaders, he had the right to decide when and how to use their nuclear weapons, instead of receiving orders from NATO.

After launching tactical nuclear attacks, the Soviet army and Czechoslovakia will pierce the enemy route and go to the Rhine River thanks to the high-end tanks of NATO forces.

While the Soviet landing force occupies important bridges, the Warsaw Treaty Air Force will destroy NATO's airport and military base in Europe.


Photo: Sputnik

Important tasks assigned to the Soviet Navy are to cut off all communications between the US and Europe in the Atlantic Ocean as well as to prevent US military regions for allies.

The soldiers landed the Soviet Union.

Moskva believed that NATO's key troops in Europe would be crushed for seven days if everything happened as planned.

However, observers argue that this plan is difficult to be feasible.

NATO is also ready to escalate the comprehensive nuclear war in case a member country in the nuclear attack block, whether the country owns a nuclear weapon.

Even the hottest allies of the Soviet Union in Warsaw also said that the seven-day plan to the Rhine is too optimistic and almost impossible.