Thousands of doctors throughout India demonstrated to arrest the famous Magician Baba Ramdev, who declared yoga and herbs could resist Covid-19.

In the dark day demonstration today, Indian doctors wear black armbands and raise the banners that require officials to play RamDev.


Photo: PTI

Baba Ramdev, the magician creates a successful traditional medicine empire in India, the last month said that Covid-19 helps to expose the modern pharmaceutical industry as stupid science and failure, and declare

Doctors at Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi, India, wearing black ribbon protest against magician Baba Ramdev today.

The Association of Doctors at the Institute of Health Sciences All India (Aiims), one of the largest public hospitals New Delhi, criticizing RamDev's spokes is shameful.

However, RamDev then raised the wave of more vehemently opposition, saying that he did not need Vaccine Covid-19 because he was protected by yoga and traditional medicine.

Patanjali Ayurved, the company worth several hundred million USD of RamDev, earlier the year of his herbal medicine called Coronil, in the participatory event of some medical officials.


Photo: AFP

Haryana state leader, northern India, at the end of last month, the announcement would play free Coronil for Covid-19 patients, decided to be criticized by doctors.

Magician Baba Ramdev (orange shirt) in a last month event.

Patanjali Ayurved last year ranked 13th in the ranking of reliable brands in India.

India is experiencing the Covid-19 tragedy with more than 28.1 million cases and more than 330,000 deaths by NCOV.