India about 4,500 people trapped have been rescued after rains causing the river water to overflow the bank, causing serious floods.

Thousands of people were rescued today from the villages flooded along the Ganges after rising river water surpassed the dangerous level in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state.


Photo: AFP

The water level is higher than normal two meters in the city of Allahabad, which has just experienced the worst flood decades after the rainy days.

People use boats to move away from the flooded residential area in the city of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India today.

Singh Senator in Allahabad said that 225 boats were sent to help people stuck on the roofs or floors on their homes.

About 100 km from Allahabad about 100 km to the Lower Lower, in Sacred Varanasi City, the Crematorium for Hindu-based cremation rites was flooded and had to stop working.

Normally, the Cremation Beach operates 24/24 and handles hundreds of cremation cases every day.

Mishra, head of Sankat Mochan temple in Varanasi, said it was a terrible situation.

The Uttar Pradesh authorities have set up 940 temporary residence points for evacuated people because of floods, while providing their meals.

Hundreds of people died in this year's rainy season in India since June 6. Maharashtra and West Bengal are severely affected states.