Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden argues that Trump has failed in its most fundamental task of defending Americans against Covid-19.

"If I were your president, on the first day, we would implement the national strategy that I have outlined in March," Biden said on August 20 in Wilmington, Delaware, when accepting.


Presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks at a Democratic national convention in Wilmington, Delaware, on August 20 Photo: Reuters.

"We will 'untie the experts' so that they can speak, to help the public receive the information they need and deserve, the truth is true, not blurred," Biden added.

He argued that President Donald Trump's inability to protect the American people from Covid-19, causing more than 5.7 million Americans to become infected with the virus, of which more than 177,000 died, was "unforgivable".

"Because I understand one thing this President doesn't understand. We will never be able to bring the economy back, we will never be able to safely return our children to school, we never will.

According to Biden, Trump has failed in his most fundamental task with the nation to protect Americans.

In the vote on the evening of August 18, representatives of 50 states and 7 territories of the US officially selected Biden as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.

According to a nationwide poll conducted by RealClearPolitics, Biden is ahead of Trump by 7.7 percentage points, down from a gap of 10.2 at the end of June. The Democratic candidate also leads Trump from 5.

Biden is keeping a close eye on Trump in states that Trump must win, including states with a tradition of Republican support such as Texas, Georgia and states that Trump easily won in the 2016 election like Ohio and Iowa.