WHO said more than 50% of medical facilities in Beirut were "inactive" after the big explosion on Wednesday.

After evaluating 55 clinics and medical centers in the Lebanese capital, "we know that more than 50% are inactive," WHO regional emergency response director Richard Brennan said today at a


A volunteer walks through the rubble in Gemmayzeh, Beirut on August 11 Photo: AFP

Three major hospitals are not working and three other hospitals are operating below normal capacity, he added.

The explosion of ammonium nitrate storage at the port of Beirut on August 4 left at least 171 dead, about 6,000 injured, severely damaged facilities in the Lebanese capital, and left more than 300,000 people in the scene.

WHO on 11/8 said that too many people being homeless threatens to accelerate the spread of nCoV in Lebanon.

WHO on 7/8 called for a donation of $ 15 million to pay for emergency medical needs in Lebanon, where the health system has been struggling due to a lack of medical supplies and medicine due to the financial crisis.