The US B-1B aircraft corrupted the engine and had to lie nearly 3 weeks after the implementation in Norway, making a high-level commander lost.

"A bombardment B-1B has damaged the engine during a recent Norwegian deployment, the incident is still in the process of investigation and we cannot provide more information. A commander at the base


Photo: USAF

Anonymous sources said the incident happened when a tablet was sucked into the engine and caused serious damage, forcing the US Air Force to replace both engines on one side of the aircraft.

B-1B muscle bombardment deployed in Norway on March 8.

In the end of February, the B-1B Strategic B-1B strategic struggle No. 7 from Dyess base to Norway's Orland Military Airport, marked the first time the American bombardment on the territory in the territory

The US Air Force does not explain why a B-1B must stay in Norway for nearly three weeks after completing the mission, but it seems that this move shows that the aircraft is bad and takes a lot of repairs

The US recently attempts to expand the number of locations to serve the activities of the Mechanical Bombing in Europe.

Orland Base is where Norway arranges its F-35 fighter fleeting squadron, while recurring NATO's air-controlled and warning aircraft from NATO from Geilenkirchen base in Germany.

The US Air Force in July 2020 announced a new Arctic strategy, calling for strengthening military presence in the region to "deal with threats from Russia".

American bombers operate in the North Pole region often comes from Fairford base in England or take off from the US and fly now.