Intelligence he was supporting the United States investigating NCOV, including a virus hypothesis from the laboratory in Wuhan, according to him.
The Telegraph on May 30, said the intelligence officials opened the investigation of NCOV's origin, after appearing the hypothesis that the virus escaped from the laboratory in Wuhan.

Photo: Reuters
We are contributing available data about Wuhan, as well as proposing US help in the process of authentication and analysis of intelligence they are obtained.
Vehicles carrying WHO experts came to investigate Covid-19 in Wuhan on January 14.
He still maintained the view that NCOV hypothesis from the laboratory in Wuhan was not to be missed.
Wall Street Journal on May 23 led information unpublished in the US intelligence report showed that three virus institutes in Wuhan City, where the epidemic outbreaks at the end of 2019, hospitalized treatment
US President Joe Biden then ordered the intelligence agencies to report to him within three months on ncov derived from animal or from the laboratory incident.
Wuhan Virus Institute (Wiv), China's leading SARS research facility, is closely located near Hoa Nam Seafood Market, which is said to have a virus from animals to the pandemic head.
The close distance between the Laboratory of the Wiv and Hoa Nam Market has caused many suspicion of NCOV origin, also known as SARS-COV-2.
The World Health Organization (WHO) in January sent international expert group to Wuhan to find out the origin of Covid-19.
Many scientists still believe that NCOV has natural origin and does not have evidence to support leaks from the laboratory.
The lab hypothesis appears from the former President Donald Trump, but the hostility of the Trump government with Beijing makes it unreliable.