The Russian Federal Prison Authority announced 12 contestants in the finals of the Communist Republic of Hellan and opened the portal.

12 contestants, selected from nearly 100 female prisoners have won local competitions, from all over the country, including Murmansk in the Arctic and Sakhalin in the Far East.


Photo: FSIN

(From left) The contestants Darya Strogonova, Veronika Shved and Anastasia OkoleloVa.

Candidates are leading with nearly 11% of the total votes of Anastasia Okolelova, from Samara.


Photo: FSIN

Candidates who are in second place are Ekaterina Vasilieva with more than 5% of votes, from Vladimir city.

Ekaterina Vasilieva, candidates leading the poll.


Photo: FSIN

The Russian Federal Prison Authority is not the first government agency to promote his work through the United States contest.

Khramtsova became famous on Instagram but was later fired.

Ekaterina Vasilieva, candidates are in second place.