Acting US Attorney General Rosen declined to answer whether he has appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden, the president-elect's son, or not.

In an interview on December 23 at the headquarters of the Justice Department, acting Minister Jeffrey A. Rosen affirmed that he would continue to "do useful things and act on the basis of the truth and the law".


Jeffrey A Photo: Reuters.

Rosen declined to answer questions whether he appointed special prosecutors to investigate President Trump's election fraud allegations or the tax issue of Hunter Biden, son Joe Biden, or not.

President Trump, who will leave office on Jan. 20, is reportedly considering appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Biden's son.

Acting Minister Rosen also declined to disclose whether he agreed with William Barr's earlier statement of election fraud.

According to sources familiar with the matter, Trump is considering whether to pressure Rosen to appoint a special prosecutor, or, if necessary, to replace acting secretary with someone more likely to obey him.

Rosen has been a deputy minister of justice since May 2019 and was previously a deputy minister of transportation under President Trump.

Attorney General Barr announced he would leave office on December 23.