The former Algerian telecommunications minister died on July 17 for nCoV while in custody on charges of corruption.

Moussa Benhamadi, 67, contracted nCoV earlier this month and died on July 17 after being transferred to a hospital in Algiers, his brother Abdelmalek said in Algiers on July 18.


Moussa Benhamadi in Algiers in November 2012 Photo: AFP

Another brother of the former minister, Hocine, said Benhamadi became ill on July 4 but was admitted to hospital nine days later.

Moussa Benhamadi has been held at El Harrach prison awaiting trial since September 2019, on charges of corruption involving technology company Condor Electronics.

After he left his seat, officials opened a series of investigations with his relatives, leaving the former president's brother, two former intelligence chiefs, several former ministers and powerful businessmen in prison.

North African country Algeria reported more than 22,500 people were infected with nCoV and more than 1,000 died.

Updated: 9:21, 19/7 | Source: WorldOMeters