The new study of the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that less than 1% of the vaccine with a dose of Vaccine Covid-19 in the US is infected with the virus, mostly do not suffer.

Based on data on breakthrough infections, the case of NCOV infection after full vaccination, provided by the states, the Kaiser Family Fund (KFF) found that the number of cases is extremely rare.


Photo: AP.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) so far only provides data on the number of breakthrough infections to be hospitalized and died.

A vaccination point in the city of Springfield, Missouri state last month.

About half of the US state reported the breakthrough infection and data in the states all showed less than 1% of the person injecting the Vaccine Covid-19 with a virus, ranging from 0.01% in Connecticut to 0.9

Analysis of CA KFF also shows more than 90% of cases and more than 95% of hospitalizations, deaths in states are those who have not immunized or new one nose.

The US on August 2 reached the goal of President Joe Biden, which was injected at least one dose for 70% of the population, slowly a month compared to the initial date of July 4.

America, the world's largest epidemic area, reported more than 35.8 million cases and nearly 630,000 deaths since translating outbreaks.