After providing tens of millions of doses of Covid-19 vaccine abroad, India suddenly lacks the supply of vaccines due to a skyrocketing number of cases in the country.

On April 15, the number of new NCOV cases daily in India was first up to 200,000, after limited measures are relaxed.


Photo: Reuters

In response to the situation of increasingly seriously, the hospital system is overloaded, India even rapidly changes the regulation to be able to import vaccines, whether previously refused from foreign vaccines.

Besides, India will import Russian Vaccine Covid-19 Sputnik V since this month to provide 125 million people.

The irony of the world in the world of the world is said to not only hinder the war against pandemic in this country, but also affects the vaccination campaign in more than 60 lower income countries, mainly

Medical staff prepared a Dose of Astrazeneca's Covid-19 vaccine dose produced by Indian Serum Institute in a hospital in Sri Lanka on January 29.

India has exported more than 54.6 million doses of Vaccine Covid-19 and donates more than 10 million doses for partner countries.

An unnamed official understanding the problem indicates that the number of vaccines available in India will now be used in the country due to "emergency situations".

Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the agency is responsible for supervising vaccine contracts with other countries, last week, the Indian domestic demand declaration will determine the level of vaccine.

The vaccine deficiency was immediately recorded in some countries participating in the Covax program, the global Vaccine Coven-19 distribution initiative under the leadership of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Vaccine Alliance

A United Nations Health Officer participating in the implementation of Covid-19 Vaccine in Africa indicates that "too dependent on a vaccine manufacturer is a major concern."

According to the sources of discussions on the problem, the mistakes lead to the risk of vaccine shortage for the world today including the delays of India and Covax in ordering orders, lack of investment in production, lack of investment

Indian Seremar Institute (SII), the largest vaccine manufacturer in the world, committed to providing at least 2 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine for low and medium-income countries, with nearly half of them.

Meanwhile, the US limited the supply of key devices and raw materials for domestic vaccines, making SII's operations restricted, slowing down the target of lifting the monthly vaccine output from 70 million as currently

The hesitation in Indian government vaccines is also a major barrier to SII's ambition.

"This is why I decided not to pack more than 50 million doses every time, because knowing that if I prepared more, I would have to store them in my house," said Sii Adar CEO Poonawalla said in January

A source revealed even now, the Indian government still only buys vaccines from SII when there is a need, instead of agreeing on a long-term vaccine schedule.

Regarding cooperative activities with Covax, a source of participating in this initiative said Covax also did not allow SII delivery to countries, until they were WHO "green light" in mid-February. If not available

Under the agreement with India, the Covax program will buy more than a billion doses from SII and expect to receive 100 million doses in May. However, the program has never received less than 20 million doses.

Gavi Global Vaccination Alliance once expressed hope that SII will continue to transport vaccines for Covax in May. However, this organization on April 14 acknowledged the Covid-19 crisis in India that could affect

"We understand the intense level of the translation in India today, but still hope and expect shipments to be resumed as soon as possible," Gavi said.