Taiwanese forces today opened fire to warn a Chinese UAV to close the pepper in the Kim Mon Islands.

Chang Jung-Shun, a spokesman for the Kim Mon defense command, said their forces warned the Chinese drone (UAV) of Erdan Island at about 18h today, after, after


Photo: KDC

This is the first time Taiwan opened fire to warn China UAV, in the context of escalating tensions between Beijing and the island.

Taiwan had previously complained that Beijing's UAV continuously approached the small island groups that Taipei controlled near the Chinese coast, of which the closest is Kim Mon Island, which is about 3 km from Xiamen.

Taiwanese soldiers fired flares at China UAV.

China has not commented on this information.

Speaking today during a visit to the station on Banh Ho Island, Taiwanese leader Thai English criticized China for UAVs and military activities in other gray areas.


Photo: Google Maps

We will not agree to argue and we will also restrain ourselves, but that does not mean that we do not react, she said, adding that the island force has taken measures to deal with.

Kim Mon Island controlled by Taiwan is located very close to the mainland China.

The position of Kim Mon Island in the Taiwan Strait.

The exercise with 6 areas around Taiwan showed that the Chinese military was honing the possibility of blocking the island if the conflict broke out.

China simultaneously practiced around Taiwan after Pelosi's visit to show their position to the US, as well as holding images after tough statements, according to experts.