Taliban websites used to transfer victory messages to Afghan people and the world are not visited without the reason.

These sites convey Taliban's messages in Pashto, Urdu, Arab, Dari and English, but all fall into an unaccompoundable situation from August 20.


Photo: AP

Cloudflare hasn't commented on the incident for the above Taliban websites.

Taliban gunmen went weeks on Kabul Street, Afghanistan on August 19.

On the same day, WhatsApp encrypted messaging service removed some Taliban exchange groups, according to Rita Katz, director of site intelligence group specializing in monitoring extremism on the Internet.

After the US pulled away from Afghanistan since May, the Taliban launched the campaign to occupy the lightning territory and entered the capital of Kabul on August 15, completing the country control.

The Taliban then announced the establishment of Afghan Islamic Emirate, affirmed that there would be no democracy in this country and could rule according to the Ruling Council model.