WHO officials recommend the vaccine injection must be decided by medical authorities, people do not arbitrarily choose the vaccine to inject.

In the online meeting at the beginning of the week, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the main scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO), warned the dangerous trend from the injection of Covid-19 vaccines of manufacturers


Photo: Reuters.

We do not have data and evidence of their ability to combine them.

However, Swaminathan made a clear review on Twitter on July 13, said that people should listen to the recommendations of the public health agency in this regard.

Individuals should not decide themselves, but public health agencies can, based on available data.

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan in the meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2020.

Some studies are showing more positive results in vaccination in Covid-19 vaccines, but many scientists believe that more extensive research needs to support this decision.

Vaccine Covid-19 injections are also considered as well in some countries that are lacking a specific vaccine.

The WHO expert team on Vaccine Covid-19 in June said it was possible to use the vaccine Pfizer injected the two nasal astrangeneca's vaccine.

Some countries include Canada, Spain and South Korea approved injecting Vaccine Covid-19, while studying in Spain also indicates that vaccine injection Pfizer - Astrazeneca is very safe and efficient.