America The mother was charged with killing 6-year-old son by poisoning drugs to take 100,000 USD life insurance.

Ashely Marks, 25 years old, insurance sellers, accused of son-poisoning with cold drugs, synthetic drugs and cocaine, to withdraw money from two life insurance contracts, in court on April 5.

The prosecutor said the state gave "clear and persuasive evidence" and Marks may face the death penalty.

Hearing on April 16 will consider having Marks ahead or not.

Ashley Marks, suspects killing their son to get insurance.

According to the report on children's deaths at the Department of Family and Protection of Texas, Jason Sanchez and his sister were carefully cared for by grandfather from April 2020 until the boy died on June 27, 2020.

"The 4-year-old does not agree with his mother injecting drugs. Mr. Foreign continuously contacted the mother for two days to announce sick 6-year-old brother, vomiting, hallucinations, insomnia, but both mothers