NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said he was closely monitoring Russian nuclear forces and wary of any change in the country's point of view.

We are closely monitoring Russian nuclear forces.


Photo: AFP.

NATO Secretary General warned that nuclear threats from Russia were dangerous and irresponsible, adding that Moscow knew a nuclear war that was not allowed to conduct nor could not bring victory.

Stoltenberg added NATO not to participate in the conflict in Ukraine, but the support of this block plays an important role.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, Belgium, on 11/10.

NATO leaders also stated Russian President Vladimir Putin failed in Ukraine, after a series of raids shaking the capital Kiev and many cities, leaving at least 19 deaths and 105 injuries.

NATO member defense ministers are holding meetings in Brussels, Belgium, on October 12-13.

The statement of the NATO Secretary General was released after Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that he would respond to the increasing west in the conflict in Ukraine, even though the face of NATO directly did not bring benefits.


Photo: WP

The West is concerned that the nuclear threat from Russia has increased since the country merged 4 provinces in Ukraine including Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson.

Russia is the largest nuclear power in the world according to the number of nuclear warheads that it owns.

Leaders of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, a close ally of the Russian President, proposed to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

War Ukraine's war.

After Russia rained missiles to Ukraine, the question of what to do to the West was to do to increase support for Kiev to deal with Moscow's escalation.

Increasing missile ambushes into Ukrainian cities, Russia seemed to want to divide the fire for the Eastern Front, forcing Kiev to decrease the counterattack.