
"Mad Lieutenant Colonel" once defeated Nazi Germany with a bow and arrow

John Churchill, a British lieutenant colonel fighting with a bow and arrow during World War II, said that anyone who goes to battle without a sword is "inadequate."

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The Trump-Biden battle on Facebook

Lenelyn Igbuhay 16 Oct 2020

Facebook was the social networking platform that contributed to Trump's arrival in the White House in 2016 and continues to be his front of advantage this year.

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Putin wants Russia and the US to extend the nuclear treaty

President Putin proposed Russia and the US extend the nuclear arms control treaty New START for at least one year without conditions.

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China hastens the bill against food waste

Sharon Peters 16 Oct 2020

The Chinese legislature accelerates the drafting of a national law against food waste to ensure a stable food supply for 1.4 billion people.

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American carrier crew members committed suicide while standing guard

Ahmar Khan 16 Oct 2020

An aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt committed suicide while on a security mission on the pier at North Island base, California.

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Japan will discharge millions of tons of treated water from Fukushima into the sea

Japan is expected to dump more than a million tons of radioactive treated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea, despite fishermen's protests.

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Trump again threatened to make China 'pay the price' for Covid-19

Veronica Guizar 08 Oct 2020

President Trump said he pledged to "force China to pay the price" for the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office

The US President returned to the Oval Office for the first time since he was discharged from hospital, after being prevented from doing so a day earlier by aides.

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The US prosecuted two "executioners" of IS

Mehboob Ahmad 07 Oct 2020

The US Justice Department prosecuted two notorious IS rebels involved in the kidnapping and murder of four American citizens.

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Trump's disordered picture

Ryan Lee 07 Oct 2020

The White House declared President Trump "the one who got the most Covid-19 test", but they did not say the timing of his results "had the most problems".

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